Thursday, May 30, 2019

Signs are important. 
Braille Signs are very important. 
Uniform color code and pictographs are very very important. 

This is what I am trying to make all users, facility owners, builders, creators, architects, and designers understand the importance of Braille signs which has to be created in uniform international standard, constant colors, size and universally approved pictographs.

Many a persons are unaware of the actual facts but do have the tendency to create to match the interiors and try give more complex designs unnecessarily. We at GGK Braille Signs concentrate more on the critical and utility factors. Of course we do them with utmost care and give the ultimate client a product for purpose with high quality output with maximum resistance to vandalism.

Our primary aim is to maintain uniformity in color and ultimate product look for people to identify them easily. Very look should say that the sign sign meant for differently able population and in particular to the vision impaired. The size too has to be standardized, The standardization of sizes are done considering the available sizes of raw material so that wastage are minimized. For example you are aware that how A4, A3 or A2 and so on are arrived at in stationary and engineering drawing specs.

This blog is specially being published to bring awareness to people who are seriously involved in providing a quality product for the minority population to whom we have commitment to help them to live on their own. "ACCESSIBILITY" needs standardization of signs and right path for travel.

Keep reading, this is just a beginning of our informative blog. We will publish more useful and informative points for you to implement.

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